🚀Day 12 Cheat sheet for Git GitHub
Commands for setting up your name and email globally, so your commits are attributed correctly.
Command | Explanation |
git config --global user.name "Your Name" | Set your name for commit attribution. |
git config --global user.email " youremail@example.com " | Set your email for commit attribution. |
📌Creating and Cloning Repositories
How to initialize a new Git repository or clone an existing one from a remote source.
Command | Explanation |
git init | Initialize a new Git repository locally. |
git clone <repository-url> | Clone a remote repository to your local machine. |
📌Staging and Committing
Instructions for adding changes to the staging area and committing them to version control.
Command | Explanation |
git add <file> | Add a file to the staging area. |
git commit -m "message" | Commit staged changes with a descriptive message. |
git commit -a -m "message" | Commit all tracked changes with a message. |
git status | View the status of your working directory. |
git stash | Temporarily store changes that are not ready to commit. |
git cherry-pick <commit> | Apply a specific commit from another branch. |
📌Branching and Merging
How to manage branches, create new ones, switch between them, and merge changes.
Command | Explanation |
git branch | List all branches in the repository. |
git branch <branch-name> | Create a new branch. |
git checkout <branch-name> | Switch to a different branch. |
git merge <branch-name> | Merge changes from another branch into the current branch. |
git pull origin <branch-name> | Pull changes from a remote repository. |
📌Remote Repositories
Commands to interact with remote repositories, including adding, pushing, fetching, and pulling changes.
Command | Explanation |
git remote -v | List all remote repositories configured. |
git remote add <name> <repository-url> | Add a remote repository. |
git push <remote> <branch> | Push commits to a remote repository. |
git fetch <remote> | Fetch remote changes without merging. |
git pull <remote> <branch> | Fetch and merge remote changes. |
📌Undoing Changes
Ways to revert or undo changes, whether they're staged, committed, or modified in the working directory.
Command | Explanation |
git reset <file> | Unstage changes from a file. |
git reset --hard HEAD | Discard all changes and revert to the last commit. |
git checkout -- <file> | Discard changes in a file and restore from last commit. |
git revert <commit> | Create a new commit that undoes a previous commit. |
📌History and Logs
How to view commit history and differences, and track the changes introduced in each commit.
Command | Explanation |
git log | Display commit history. |
git log --oneline | Display compact commit history. |
git log -p | Show commit history with changes introduced. |
git diff | Show changes between working directory and last commit. |
git blame <file> | Show who last modified each line in a file. |
git log --graph | Display a graphical representation of commit history. |
git reflog | View a log of all branch updates and HEAD movements. |
Move commits to a new base branch interactively or non-interactively.
Command | Explanation |
git rebase <base-branch> | Reapply commits from the current branch onto another branch. |
git rebase -i <commit> | Interactive rebase to squash, reword, or reorder commits. |
📌Cleaning Untracked Files
Preview and clean untracked files.
Command | Explanation |
git clean -n | Preview untracked files that can be safely removed. |
📌Resetting Commit Position
Move HEAD to a previous commit, keeping changes staged.
Command | Explanation |
git reset --soft <commit> | Move HEAD to a previous commit, keeping changes staged. |
📌Tagging and Releases
Commands for creating and managing tags are often used for marking significant points in your project's history.
Command | Explanation |
git tag | List all tags in the repository. |
git tag -a <tag-name> -m "message" | Create an annotated tag with a message. |
git push origin <tag-name> | Push tags to a remote repository. |
📌Managing Remote Branches
Remove remote branches that don't exist remotely.
Command | Explanation |
git remote prune origin | Remove remote branches that no longer exist remotely. |
Guidelines for collaborating with others, pulling changes from upstream repositories, and working with branches.
Command | Explanation |
git remote add upstream <upstream-repo> | Add an upstream remote repository. |
git pull upstream <branch> | Pull changes from an upstream repository. |
git checkout -b <new-branch> | Create a new branch and switch to it. |
git push origin <branch> | Push changes to a remote branch. |
git merge --no-ff <branch> | Merge a branch while keeping a merge commit. |
🌟 Conclusion:
Congratulations! 🎉
This comprehensive cheat sheet covers a variety of Git commands categorized into different sections. This Git cheat sheet provides a quick reference to common Git commands and their explanations. Feel free to print or save it for easy access while working with Git repositories.
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